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Craftsman spirit, everyone creates, plastic hundred years hongyang dream

Craftsman spirit, everyone creates, plastic hundred years hongyang dream

  Spring begins in April, when all things are warm. Nantong Hongyang plush products Co., LTD. Held a "carpenter's spirit, people create, plastic hundred hongyang dream" commencement conference. The purpose of the conference is to summarize the achievements and lessons of 2016 and to elaborate on the development and management reform of the company in 2017.


Craftsman spirit, everyone creates, plastic hundred years hongyang dream


  In 2016, Nantong Hongyang Plush Products Co., Ltd. faced some unprecedented difficulties, but all the staff of the company bore the pressure and worked together to overcome all the difficulties. Executive Vice President Song Yuqin first made a summary report of the company in 2016. Due to various factors, the company failed to complete the assigned tasks in 2016. In the production process of the whole year, some team technical problems and management problems emerged. In order to solve many internal problems faced by the company, the company introduced amoeba management mode at the end of 2016. Through the reform of company management, the profit of the company and the personal income of employees can be substantially improved. At the same time, Vice President Song also mentioned the goals and plans for 2017 in the report, hoping that with the joint efforts of all employees, these plans can be successfully completed.


Craftsman spirit, everyone creates, plastic hundred years hongyang dream


  In last year's difficulties, hongyang staff paid unremitting efforts. Some of them were honored at the meeting. Encouragement Award: Zhang Yanling, Lin Yuelong, Liang Shuixiang, Zhuang Hua, Zhang Ying. "Commando Award" : Song Yuqin, Gu Feifei, Long Lirong, Lin Yuelong, Wang Shuzhong. "Dedication award" : Gu Lingxia, Jiang Hongfen. "Post expert" : Huang Yafang, Gu Juchun. "Technical expert" : Zhang Guangtian, Gu Juying. "Advanced Honorable Hongyang man" : Wang Dongsuo, Li Cuixiang. Model Worker of the Year 2016: Chen Gao, Ni Yucheng. The "outstanding class" is the stereotyped group: Zhou Qin, Ma Xinrong, Xu Xuelan, Cao Huiqin, Gu Juchun. Excellence Awards for the first quarter of 2017 were also presented at the conference: Chen Jinliang, Shen Xueqin, Cao Dongsuo, Li Cuixiang, Gu Juchun, Fan Zhongxiang, Chen Gao, Wang Dongsuo, Xu Yujuan, Shi Yongxing, Chen Xiangdong, and Yao Xiaoxiang. These employees set an example for other employees and make outstanding contributions to the company.


Craftsman spirit, everyone creates, plastic hundred years hongyang dream


According to the amoeba management model, the company's subordinates will divide the four amoeba profits. At this conference, the appointment and swearing ceremony of the chief barman was held. The four amie barbers are: Gu Feifei, head of the first branch, Wang Binbin, head of the second branch, Wang Qingwei, head of the third branch, and Song Yuqin, head of the sales department. The barmen swore to accept the company's appointment and assume the position of barman, and promised to be strict with themselves, set a good example, and lead the team to complete the tasks assigned by the headquarters. Through the appointment of the governors, the authority is delegated, which makes better use of the governors' autonomy and optimizes the management of the company.


Craftsman spirit, everyone creates, plastic hundred years hongyang dream


 Respect for teachers is one of the core of Hongyang culture, in order to enable new employees to better master production skills, every year will be held at the commencement of the ceremony. Through the ceremony of visiting teachers, new employees can integrate into the company faster, and old employees can accept these new employees better. I hope that the new employees can play their own strength in the big family of Hongyang, and progress together with the company.


Craftsman spirit, everyone creates, plastic hundred years hongyang dream


 At last, Huang Yibing, the general manager, made a report on "artisan spirit, everyone's creation, and a hundred years of grand foreign dream". In his report, Manager Huang explained the company's new policies in 2017, including performance appraisal, proposal incentive mechanism, responsibility mechanism, etc., as well as the optimization of employee welfare mechanism. Mr. Huang emphasized that only all the employees work together to improve the company system and optimize the company's production management with the power of the public, so that the company can achieve better development, and the employees can also get substantial benefits, and finally realize the century-old grand foreign dream of all the employees.


Craftsman spirit, everyone creates, plastic hundred years hongyang dream

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