Talent Recruitment
Regarding talents as core competitiveness





Release time

  • The foreign trade

    The production department

    Regular college


    2020-11-06 15:15

    Years of working: 1-3 years
    Working place: Jiangsu - nantong - tongzhou district

    Major in foreign Trade (college degree or above)

    Responsible for overseas market development, customer development and customer maintenance

    Have certain foreign language foundation, have good communication ability, market insight, have certain market development ability. (At least 2 years relevant working experience, document clerk preferred)

    Basic salary plus commission (100,000-150,000 yuan/year), including accommodation and insurance

  • Workshop director

    The production department

    Regular college


    2020-11-06 15:14

    Years of working: 1-3 years
    Working place: Chongchuan district, -, nantong city

    Major in business administration (college degree or above)

    To organize and implement the production plan of the production company; The company's safety production system to ensure safe and civilized production and other work

    Strong sense of responsibility, good adaptability and team organizing ability. (Relevant working experience in production department is preferred)

    2500-5000/ month, including accommodation and insurance payment

  • Production Manager

    The production department

    Regular college


    2020-11-06 15:12

    Years of working: 1-3 years
    Working place: Jiangsu - nantong - tongzhou district

    Major in business administration (bachelor degree or above)

    Organize the establishment and improvement of production command system, responsible for technical and quality assurance in production. To be responsible for the formulation and implementation of production labor quotas, consumption quotas and labor discipline; Civilized production and work safety; Responsible for the management, education and training of employees, with a strong sense of responsibility, good strain capacity and team organization ability. (At least 3 years related working experience in production department is preferred)

    3000-6000/ month, including accommodation and insurance payment

  • Mechanical equipment management

    The production department

    Regular college


    2020-11-06 15:10

    Years of working: 1-3 years
    Working place: Jiangsu - nantong - tongzhou district

    Major in mechanical management (college degree or above)

    Supervise and inspect the safe operation, maintenance, inspection and inspection of the company's machinery and equipment. Carry out general inspection of machinery and equipment, put forward corrective measures for unqualified machinery and supervise the implementation of the rectification of related problems to ensure the safety and rational use of machinery and equipment. To prepare major repair plans for machinery and equipment; To investigate, analyze, deal with and report mechanical equipment accidents

    Dedicated and enterprising, with good communication skills (experience in mechanical equipment management is preferred)

    3000-6000/ month, including accommodation and insurance payment

  • Human administrative

    The human resources

    No limit


    2020-11-06 15:05

    Years of working: 1-3 years
    Working place: Jiangsu - nantong - tongzhou district

    Major in Human Resources (college degree or above)

    Responsible for personnel recruitment, deployment, dismissal, training, performance appraisal and establishment of personnel management system

    Good organization, communication, coordination and management skills, familiar with human resource management process (more than two years of relevant work experience is preferred)

    2500-5000/ month, including accommodation and insurance payment

  • Marketing

    The Marketing Department

    Regular college


    2020-11-06 15:03

    Years of working: 1-3 years
    Working place: Jiangsu - nantong - tongzhou district

    Relevant degree in marketing (college degree or above)

    Responsible for market development, customer development and customer maintenance

    Good communication skill, market insight, market development ability (more than 2 years related working experience is preferred)

    Basic salary plus commission (80,000-120,000 yuan/year), including accommodation and insurance

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Service Hotline


Address: Industrial Park (Western), Sanyu Town, Tongzhou District, Nantong City,Jiangsu Province China

Salesperson   Tony +61(0)421865518 

E-mail: hymr@hymr.cc


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